vendredi 30 mars 2012

L’avenir de la France - Un pays qui refuse l’évidence

France's future - A country in denial

[The Economist]

By ignoring their country’s economic problems, France’s politicians are making it far harder to tackle them

VISIT the euro zone and you will be invigorated by gusts of reform. The “Save Italy” plan has done enough for Mario Monti, the prime minister, to declare, however prematurely, that the euro crisis is nearly over. In Spain Mariano Rajoy’s government has tackled the job market and is about to unveil a tight budget (see article). For all their troubles, Greeks know that the free-spending and tax-dodging are over. But one country has yet to face up to its changed circumstances. France is entering the final three weeks of its presidential campaign.
[…] Yet what is most striking about the French election is how little anybody is saying about the country’s dire economic straits.
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