lundi 3 septembre 2012

Le cloud computing a besoin d’un coup de pouce en Europe

Infographie : F. Descheemaekere

Selon une nouvelle étude, moins d’un quart des internautes européens affirment utiliser des services de cloud computing, même s’il s’agit d’un secteur qui enregistre l’une des plus fortes croissances sur le marché des technologies.

In a survey of nearly 4,000 people, the nonprofit trade association Business Software Alliance (BSA) has found that only 24% of the respondents access cloud applications, such as online email services or online word processing. Globally, that number is 34%. A majority of European computer users also say that they are unfamiliar with cloud computing and 65% have "never heard of it" or only "heard the name". Cloud computing enables data to be stored on off-site servers, enabling corporate computer systems to operate more smoothly.
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