vendredi 30 septembre 2011

Human Rights Watch fustige la France sur la question des Roms

La France continue de viser et d'expulser des citoyens roms de l'UE, même si la Commission européenne avait déclaré en août dernier que le pays s'était conformé au droit européen, s'insurge l'organisation non gouvernementale Human Rights Watch.

Judith Sunderland, senior Western Europe researcher at Human Rights Watch said: "One year and a new immigration law later, Roma in France are still vulnerable to serial evictions, unfair expulsions, and discrimination." Last August, the European Commission claimed that it had "helped resolve 90% of open free movement cases," raised following France's controversial displacement of Roma camps, some of which included Romanian nationals protected by EU free movement laws. The Commission had cleared France, saying that the French government adopted the legislative amendments required by the Commission to ensure compliance with the Free Movement Directive on 16 June,
including the safeguards that protect EU citizens against arbitrary expulsions or discriminatory treatment. Human Rights Watch details its allegations in a briefing paper submitted to the European Commission in July 2011. It claims: "Over the past six months, French authorities have continued to pursue a policy that targets Roma from Eastern Europe for camp or squat evictions associated with removal orders." The group claims "thousands of Romanian and Bulgarian Roma have been ordered to leave France under procedures that violate their rights".

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