The question for National interests (which?)
A mix between European and National interests
The institutional nature of the European Union implies that EU policy making shall result of a fragile balancing and mix between European and National interests.For the EU to function properly, member states shall on the one side define their national positions and adequately defend them in the EU institutions, but also on the other side have the ability to quickly understand where the thin red line lies and thus know when the time comes for a stepping back to allow for a decision be taken. It is a fragile and complex process that in the past have been often resolved over a meal thanks to the personal engagement of negotiators, as they reported since the early times . With a Union at 27 personal relations – though still relevant – are becoming less pivotal in decision making and new ways of making the machine works have to be found. As things are today, however, the machine might not survive at all. The Libya crises meant the definitely crossing the red line. But for what sake? Lire tout l'article dans L’Europa @ torvergata, L’Eurosblog del Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet

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