mercredi 18 janvier 2012

Constitution illégale : l’Union Européenne engage une procédure légale contre la Hongrie

Infographie : François Descheemaekere
Unlawful Constitution : EU Takes Legal Action Against Hungary

[Spiegel Online]

The Hungarian capital of Budapest: The EU has taken legal action against the right-wing government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Zoom

The European Commission has launched legal proceedings against Hungary, accusing it of breaching EU treaties with laws that undermine the independence of the justice system and central bank. The case could delay the payment of international aid needed to shore up Hungary's economy.
The European Commission said on Tuesday it was launching legal action against Hungary for violating EU laws with new legislation that curbs the independence of the national central bank, the data protection agency and the judiciary.
Legal proceedings against a member state's laws are rare in the EU, and the Commission's move reflects mounting international concern at the authoritarian policies of the right-wing government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, and could delay negotiations on an international aid package for Hungary.
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