Infographie : François Descheemaekere |
La sortie du nucléaire accélérée de l’Allemagne et sa dépendance accrue aux énergies renouvelables pourrait entraîner un manque d’énergie équivalent à la production de 15 centrales d’ici 2020, ont déclaré mercredi (2 mai) les participants à une réunion de haut niveau sur l’énergie.
But the meeting hosted by Chancellor Angela Merkel and attended by leading energy executives reached no decisions on how to fill the shortfall. “It was agreed that by 2020 there will be a capacity gap of 10 Gigawatts,” one source said after the meeting. This is the rough equivalent of 10 and 15 power plants. Merkel met with chief executives of the power utilities E.ON and RWE AG, as well as officials from Siemens AG, power network operators, trade unions, and energy lobbyists. Germany’s decision last year, following the Fukushima disaster in Japan, to completely phase out nuclear power within a decade has thrown big utilities onto the defensive and sparked a debate about how best to fill the cap in electricity generation.
Another meeting with German state premiers is due to take place on May 23, which may focus on grid expansion and increasing the use of offshore windpower.
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