En Europe, la marginalisation croissante de la jeunesse crée les conditions d'un tremblement de terre social capable de secouer le vieux continent et de mettre en péril la survie de l'euro, écrit Edoardo Campanella, conseiller économique du Sénat italien.
"About a year ago the Arab spring taught the world an important, predictable lesson. When young people cease to be the engine of the economy and are excluded from the decision-making process, long-run economic growth is endangered and political stability undermined. This lesson holds true for dictatorial regimes as well as for long-established democracies. In Europe, a deteriorating youth marginalization is creating the preconditions for a social earthquake capable of shaking the old continent and impairing the survival of the Euro.
Until now, safety nets andintra-family transfers have prevented peaceful Indignados-style protests from turning into violent Arab-ones. However, the shortfall of resources due to a new imminent recession, along with fiscal austerity measures, will impair this channel, whereas frustration and social resentment will keep growing
Lire : euractiv.com
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