jeudi 10 novembre 2011

L’Union Européenne en danger de scission

Support for Euro Risks Splitting European Union

[The New York Times]

Behind the urgent battle to save Italy and Greece from bankruptcy, another struggle is simmering: over power and influence in a European Union that risks separating into two, one an inner core that sets economic policy for the continent, and another that is forced to follow.

On Wednesday, Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister of Britain, which is a prominent member of the European Union but remains outside the euro, urged the 17 nations that use the currency not to create “a club within a club” as they integrate to save their currency.
His comments came just two days after the 10 noneuro nations of the European Union convened discreetly over dinner in a Brussels hotel while, down the road, euro zone finance ministers were grappling with the crisis in Greece.The gathering of the “outs” was a warning that those outside the currency intend to fight for their interests as Europe deals with the fallout from the debt crisis.

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