Les décideurs politiques européens doivent agir rapidement pour rendre leur fonds de sauvetage opérationnel, a déclaré dimanche (18 décembre) le président de la banque centrale européenne, Mario Draghi, détruisant ainsi les espoirs de voir la BCE prendre des mesures d’assouplissement quantitatif (en imprimant de l’argent) afin d’acheter des obligations d’Etat et de soulager les difficultés budgétaires.
Draghi also told the Financial Times in an interview that the ECB could not start printing money, adding that any country leaving the euro would be worse off and would still have to go through the same reforms. He said there was no long-term trade-off between growth and austerity.
To have a return of confidence in the eurozone, suffering from a sovereign debt crisis which has engulfed several countries, there is a need "to have a firewall in place which is fully equipped and operational. And that was meant to be provided by the EFSF," Draghi said, referring to the European Financial Stability Facility.
Lire : euractiv.com
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