jeudi 8 mars 2012

A Athènes, la laideur de l’austérité

Infographie : François Descheemaekere
In Athens, Austerity’s Ugliness
 [The New York Times]

Europe declared war on Keynes, and Keynes is winning.

Nicholas D. Kristof, journalist, author, op-ed columnist, and a winner of two Pulitzer Prizes. He has written an op-ed column for The New York Times since November 2001 and The Washington Post.

In the United States, Republicans lambaste President Obama’s stimulus package as a failure and insist on bone-crunching budget-cutting. If you want to know how well that works, come visit Europe — especially Greece. Yes, Greece needed a wake-up whack and economic reform, but Republican-style austerity knocked the patient unconscious.
Contrast the still-shrinking economies of Europe with the stirrings of recovery in the United States, and you feel lucky to be an American and a beneficiary of President Obama’s stimulus.
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