lundi 18 juin 2012

Rio+20 : la communauté scientifique appelle à un plan d’action sur la population

Infographie : François Descheemaekere

Le Sommet de la Terre Rio+20 devra aboutir à des actions décisives pour la population et sur la consommation sans avoir peur de dépasser les tabous politiques, faute de quoi  il ne parviendra pas à trouver de solutions au déclin inquiétant de l’environnement mondial, affirment d'éminents membres de la communauté scientifique mondiale. 

Rich countries need to reduce or radically transform unsustainable lifestyles, while greater efforts should be made to provide contraception to those who want it in the developing world, the coalition of 105 institutions, including the Royal Society in Britain, urged in a joint report released on 14 June. It's a wake-up call for negotiators meeting in Rio for the UN conference on sustainable development.
The authors point out that while the Rio summit aims to reduce poverty and reverse the degradation of the environment, it barely mentions the two solutions that could ease pressure on increasingly scarce resources.
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