April showers on the euro : the euro crisis is back, and resolving it is not getting any easier
[The Economist]
LIKE Brussels, with its fickle weather, the euro crisis enjoyed a hint of summer but has now returned to wintry gloom. The sun shone after the European Central Bank took action to avert a credit crunch. Now the storm clouds are blowing in from Spain. Yields on Spanish bonds are rising dangerously, and Italian ones are close behind. Like Spain, Italy will miss its deficit target this year and next. Portugal may also need fresh support. For Eurocrats, these are but passing squalls. Summer will come, they say, so long as everybody sticks to the plans for deficit reduction. Spain is on track, insists Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the euro group of finance ministers. The IMF this week revised up its growth projections: the euro zone’s recession this year will be milder than it previously thought. So why the renewed panic?
One reason is that markets are shifting their concern from deficits to growth. They fear that budget cuts are pushing countries ever deeper into recession.
Lire : economist.com
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